Why did we start The AMAZN Foundation?
We can only create so much change by shining a light on our community's best athletes through media storytelling. We need to also attack the core issues at the grassroots level in order to create tangible change.
That is why The AMAZN Foundation seeks to propel our community from the ground up by providing real and impactful opportunities and create pipelines for success for the next generation of Asian athletes.

What are the goals of The AMAZN Foundation?

Grassroots Programs
Create AAU programs, 7on7 teams and more to develop our community's next stars.

Organize Asian-focused youth camps across North America & internationally coached by professional athletes.

Educate parents and athletes about how to best prepare for future opportunities in sports.

Pair aspiring college and professional athletes with current college and professional athletes to receive guidance from people who understand their unique hardships as Asian athletes.